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Everything You Need To Know For Attack On Titan Season 4

By Zarat.

Attack on Titan is arguably one of the most influential anime of not only the modern age but of all time. With Hajime Isayama’s post-apocalyptic world, he has taught us extremely important lessons about the fight for freedom and not giving into corruption and oppression. It’s so easy to get lost in all the action, epic reveals and dynamic plot changes, developments and become overwhelmed. So, in preparation for its arrival, here is your clear cut, season by season guide for:

Everything you need to know for Attack on Titan Season 4.

The Original Premise

Attack on Titan starts with our three main characters Eren, Mikasa and Armin who live in peace in the Shiganshina District, located in Wall Maria. Wall Maria is one of three walls- the others being Wall Rose and Wall Sina, that protect humanity from Titans, humanoid giants whose only purpose seems to be eating humans. When the Colossal and Armoured Titan breaks down Wall Maria in 845, humanity is once again at the Titans’ mercy and Armin, Mikasa and Eren strive to break free of the humiliation of being imprisoned.

Season One - The Prelude

The first episode of Attack on Titan is one of the most groundbreaking episodes of all time- for me, it changed my life forever. We learn that humanity is surrounded by 3 walls which are Wall Maria, Wall Rose and Wall Sina. After the wall is breached by a colossal Titan, humanity receives a devastating reminder of the harsh threat Titans pose. We are introduced to Eren’s hard-headed nature, Mikasa’s resolve and Armin’s intelligence. Isayama wastes no time showing the cruelty of Attack on Titan when Carla, Eren’s mother, is brutally eaten in front of him. After witnessing this, Eren vows to kill all the Titas, propelling him and his friends to join the 104th Training Cadet Corps- their lives will never be the same again.

A great aspect of Attack on Titan is the non-chronological structure, making the story incredibly complex and contains so many layers. While on the refugee boat, Eren has a flashback and we see his father frantically trying to inject him with an unknown substance. We also learn about the injustices of society with the hierarchy- the Military Police soldiers treat the refugees with little sympathy. As the story follows on, we meet other members of the 104- Jean, Marco, Sasha, Annie, Reiner, Bertholdt and Connie. Eren and Jean butt heads due to the differing ideas of their duties towards humanity. Jean is captivated by Mikasa and her “beautiful black hair” - and is disturbed when he overhears Eren telling her to cut it.

The 104 graduate from their training and are ranked in terms in strength leading with Mikasa and followed by Reiner, Bertholdt, Annie, Eren, Marco, Connie, Sasha and Christa. Eren expresses his resolve to join the Survey Corps, the Military Branch most actively involved in direct Titan combat. Armin and Mikasa decide to follow him. The Colossal Titan appears again and Eren, while saving Armin from a Titan, dies in his place. While this is ensuing, we learn why Mikasa devotes so much of herself to Eren- as children, he saved her from people who attempted to kidnap her. Like Eren, her parents were also killed in front of her.

I think Isayama pairs these two together deliberately to illustrate the different ways someone deals with trauma. Eren deals with his trauma by putting himself forward in the line of oppression to gain freedom. Mikasa deals with her trauma by protecting those she cares for (not just Eren). This makes us dread her reaction to Eren’s death which is saddening.

We see her try to save face when she leads a reckless charge for headquarters and nearly gives up fighting, but she remembers Eren’s reassuring words and pushes on. She is then saved by a Titan who Mikasa deems to be the embodiment of humanity’s anger who is revealed to be Eren Jaeger. Through this, we learn Attack on Titan is not a typical shonen split between the good (humanity) and the bad (Titans)- this is the first (of many) layers of complexity.

Not surprisingly, the Garrison surround Eren, Armin and Mikasa- deeming them as enemies of humanity due to their blind fear. This subsequently leads to a cannon being shot with Eren suddenly stopping it by partially transforming himself into a Titan. While being enclosed, Eren ponders a way to escape, arguing naively that he will go back to Wall Maria to gain access to the basement and save humanity. We learn alongside our protagonist, that the world is cruel and poses a series of challenges that will make achieving our goals hard- only the strong can succeed. Armin tries to convince people that he isn’t an enemy of mankind but deviates that he is an asset. When fear continues to deafen the people, they try to fire again- where the eccentric Dot Pixis intervenes and negotiates with Eren to carry the boulder to the gate and seal the wall. However, Eren quickly loses control and attacks Mikasa.

Isayama comments on life and death and Pixis states soldiers do not die by themselves, rather it is his orders that send him death. He doesn’t mind being called a murderer as long as humanity lives on (in retrospect- this is brutal foreshadowing). Armin tries to get Eren to come to his senses by reaching inside his Titan and reminds him of his dreams of freedom.

"Because I was born into this world."

- Eren Jaeger, Attack on Titan

Eren then carries the boulder and seals the hole. Shortly after, Jean discovers Marco’s half-eaten body. Marco was a pure character who had very soft-hearted ideals making his death one of the most unexpected ones- for those reasons (and others). Eren is then interrogated by Commander Erwin and Captain Levi (Humanity’s Strongest Soldier) and he is accepted into the Survey Corps on condition of him going to the basement and uncovering the secret of the Titans. Eren’s appointment to the Survey Corps is confirmed after a trial- which he was beaten by Levi.

During training with the Survey Corps, Eren encounters people like Petra and 19-year old Oluo- yes THAT GUY was younger than Levi. Hange was experimenting with some Titans, who were later killed, presumably by a traitor. This then leads to Erwin asking Eren a question- a question that is arguably the most fundamental in Attack on Titan.

On the first Survey Corps Expedition, Armin encounters what first appears to be an Abnormal Titan but, in his observation, he realizes that it is a Titan Shifter like Eren. The ‘Female Titan’ kills many Survey Corps soldiers, including all of Squad Levi after Eren decides to place his trust in the group to take her out. Erwin’s plans to capture the Female Titan seemingly end up successful until it screams and a cloaked figure escapes. The Female Titan then transforms once again and attempts to kidnap Eren but is overwhelmed by Levi, who takes him back but gets injured while trying to protect Mikasa.

Annie is then pulled aside by Armin who asks for assistance in sneaking Eren away to safety. She refuses to follow into the tunnel underground which confirms their suspicions that she is the Female Titan. Eren and Annie ensue in battle near Wall Sina. Annie then encases herself, making interrogation impossible. The first season ends with a bewildering revelation that there are Titans buried inside Wall Sina.

Season Two - The Interlude

After Hange discovers a Titan within the wall, they ruthlessly interrogate Pastor Nick who refuses to disclose any information. Mike while observing the suspected members of the 104 is ambushed by Titans which he can fend off until the Beast Titan throws him off his horse and proceeds to ask him a group of questions. Fear is a particularly important theme in Attack on Titan, this is shown specifically where Mike who is usually strong-willed is struck by the fear of the unknown that the Beast Titan embodies. Mike is then devoured by Titans.

Connie, Reiner and Bertholdt investigating Connie’s hometown Ragako Village but find the place empty with only a Titan saying, “welcome home”. The Garrison has set up a series of lines of defenses to keep the Titans contained for evacuation to proceed and Levi escorts Pastor Nick to witness firsthand the struggles people are going through. This parallel is with our world and how often the higher up can be oblivious to the struggles below. Pastor Nick reveals that there is a girl called Historia in the Survey corps that has permission to the information about the Wall Titans. They then meet up with other soldiers involving Nanaba, Christa and Ymir- however, they are unable to find the hole. This then leads to them seeking refuge in an abandoned castle- where Ymir reveals she can read the labels on food- despite them being in another language.

When the Beast Titan emerges alongside his Titan army, Ymir reveals herself to be a Titan shifter saving Christa, Bertholdt and Reiner. Ymir is nearly killed until the Survey Corps reinforcements emerge. Christa reveals herself as Historia Reiss- an illegitimate daughter of the noble family. The 104 and Hange then climb to the top of the wall and Hannes then joins them- with the news that there was no breach found in the wall. Unexpectedly- Reiner then nonchalantly reveals to Eren that he and Bertholdt are the Armored and Colossal Titans (this is where I had to pause).

He says that their mission was to wipe out the walls and asks Eren to accompany them to their hometown. An epic fight between Reiner and Eren ensues but this ends with Ymir and Eren being kidnapped- the 104 led by Hange then try to retrieve them.

After a discussion between Bertholdt, Reiner, Ymir and Hange it is revealed that Reiner's psyche has been split into “Soldier” and “Warrior” halves. What sets Isayama’s words from other mainstream anime and manga is the fact that he can craft characters with such high degrees of complexity that rival some live-action ones.

“I don't know... what's right anymore... But... I do know that I have to face the consequences of my actions... and carry out... my duty as a warrior to the end."

- Reiner Braun, Attack on Titan

Ymir then tries to negotiate with Bertholdt and Reiner into taking Historia with them. We are then offered some insight into Ymir when it is revealed that many years ago, Ymir was an orphan who was taken into a cult and worshipped as royalty- the cult was eventually destroyed by soldiers and then members were turned into Titans (including Ymir) as a punishment. She even ate Marcel- a childhood friend of Bertholdt and Reiner before transforming back into a human. Again, Isayma shows the true relentless cruelty of Attack on Titan’s world.

Erwin and the rest of the soldiers suddenly appear in Reiner’s path having used themselves to intercept Reiner and try to rescue Eren. Many soldiers lose their lives and Erwin loses an arm but reminds them to “Advance!” They are then able to successfully retrieve Eren.

Twisted fate then ensues when the Smiling Titan that killed Eren’s mother appears before them and brutally kills Hannes. Eren finds himself unable to shift and succumbs to a tragic mental breakdown over never being strong enough to help the people he loves. Mikasa’s loving words reminiscing the time Eren saved her gives Eren the courage and he activates the Coordinate power to instruct the other Titans to swarm the Smiling Titan and kill it.

He then commands the Titans to attack Reiner. Ymir comes to the realization that Historia will be safe within the walls. She then goes to save Bertholdt and Reiner from the Titan storm and they all survive. Ymir dies offscreen- this shows no character is truly considered special in Isayma’s world. It is later revealed that the Titan that was found in Connie’s village was his mother.

Erwin, while recovering from his injuries, smiles in optimism that they are one step closer to the truth. The second seasons end with the Beast Titan and its operator waiting mysteriously atop Wall Maria.

Season Three - The Prelude Concluded

Now, of course, no manga spoilers. BUT Attack on Titan’s three-part opening ends here. This is where a lot of us, (including me) got extremely confused. This is where Isayama directly tells us to pay close attention.

The 104th led by Erwin, Hange and Levi regroup and come to realize that the Wall Church and the government are hiding a series of secrets. They prohibit them from gaining access to these secrets actively when they refuse to give them enough resources to launch an expedition to regain Wall Maria and find out what is in the basement.

The Corps believes that the Titan that appeared within the Walls who were somehow turned into Titans by the Beast Titan. Things start to tie together when we all realize that Titans are humans who are stuck in Titan form. Minister Nick is found dead and Hange and Levi then capture and interrogate Military Police members who develop new technology and strive to keep people within the walls. The current Fritz family are revealed to be false rulers with the real rulers being the Reiss family. The Corps decide to replace the government and put Historia in place instead. Erwin is subsequently arrested by the military police while Eren and Historia are captured by the Reiss family.

There is revealed to be secret police, and this is when Attack on Titan shares almost unsettling real-life society-especially in cases with censorship and political corruption. The leader of the secret police is Kenny Ackerman- Levi’s uncle. Through this revelation, it also revealed that Levi and Mikasa are distantly related and the Ackerman family are stronger than ordinary humans.

Historia and Eren are brought before Rod Reiss- the real king in a large underground cave. Rod reveals that the First King established the Walls using the Coordinate power. Reiss discussed how the First King believed that peace could reign only if humanity lived within the walls and were ruled by the Titans. The power was passed on generation after generation in the Reiss family and enables the user to control Titans and wipe memories. His legitimate daughter- Freida Reiss, had it. However, the day Wall Maria fell- Grisha killed the Reiss family and stole the ability by Freida. Rod survives and unlocks Eren’s memories to reveal that Grisha sacrificed himself to Eren. Eren realizes he ate and killed his father. That is the reason for Eren’s powers.

Rod wants to return the Coordinate to Historia by having her transform into a Titan and eat Eren. The Reiss family is also at risk of being brainwashed by the “The Will of the First King” which stops them from gaining full access to their powers and changing the course of humanity. Meanwhile, The Survey Corps led by Levi and Hange are able to defeat the Military Police. Pixis and Zackley declare they will support Erwin in their overthrow of the government. Dok- the leader of the Military Police decides to side with Erwin also. This leads to the nobles being arrested and replaced with a military government.

Historia decides to disobey her father and smashes the “Titan Serum” and goes to free Eren. Rod then turns into a mindless, 120-foot Titan but is eventually stopped by the Survey Corps with Historia dealing with the final blow. Kenny dies but not without telling Levi that the Ackerman family were once the bodyguards of the Royal Family but a disagreement led to them being persecuted. He also gives him the last set of Titan fluid. Historia has then crowned the new Queen of the Walls and cares for the commoners.

Keith Shadis reveals to the Survey Corps that he found Grisha outside the walls roughly 20 years ago- meaning he was an outsider to the Walls.

The Survey Corps then launch their expedition to use Eren’s hardening ability to seal Wall Maria and Erwin, despite his injuries, follows them. He admits he is determined to reach the Basement and discover the truth of the world. All of the Survey Corps members reflect on the past. This is a central theme of Season 3 Part 1, illustrated perfectly by the opening -

Season 3 Part 2 opens with the Survey Corps able to easily use Eren’s ability to seal the Shiganshina Outer Gate. Reiner is found in a hole in the wall confirming Armin’s suspicions.

Reiner is then quickly attacked by Levi but he survives by shifting into the Armoured Titan- literally using plot armour. The Beast Titan appears and is alongside what seems to be a Titan carrying cargo and gathers mindless titans around the city.

During a fight with Eren, Reiner signals the Beast Titan (Zeke) to send smaller Titans to attack soldiers guarding the horses. They quickly wipe up by a swarm of rocks thrown by Zeke. The Beast Titan also throws a barrel containing Bertholdt into the city with the plan for him to transform into the Colossal Titan. He postpones this after seeing Reiner’s injuries. Armin tries to get Bertholdt to lose his control, but he transforms resulting in saddening damage to the city. Reiner shortly heals and can return as the Armoured Titan.

Levi tells Erwin that for the mission to succeed that Erwin must be prepared to give up on his dream and die. Subsequently, Erwin raises the courage within the disillusioned Survey Corps in an epic speech and a suicide charge is led directly to the Beast Titan.

Levi annihilates the Beast Titan and its subordinates but hesitates in killing him as the titan serum can be used to save a wounded soldier. However, the choice is robbed from him when the Cart Titan rescues Zeke. Armin and Eren take out the Colossal Titan with Armin sacrificing himself. Zeke while riding the Cart Titan approaches Eren and exclaims that he will save Eren one day. Armin is on the brink of death then Floch arrives with Erwin’s body. A debate and fight about who to save ensue.

Levi decides that Armin should be saved. Armin is injected with the titan serum and then eats Bertholdt becoming the new Colossal Titan. The 9 remaining soldiers decide to go to the Basement and find a photograph of Grisha and a young boy. Grisha’s notes reveal that far away, there is a multitude of humans that have advanced technology and exist without fear of the Titans.

We are told in a flashback that Grisha and his family belong to an ethnicity called the “Eldians”. About 2000 years ago, an Eldian called Ymir fritz gained the powers of Titans. The Eldian people are granted the potential to become Titans when injected with Titan serum. When Ymir died her soul was split to 9 Eldians who were all able to become Shifters passing their powers through generations. The Marleyans and Eldians both have different perspectives of this however, Isayama leaves it to use to decide what is the truth.

There were periods of civil war that the 145th King Fritz decided to stop by not intervening, unlike his predecessors. The Marleyans decided to launch a rebellion at the same time. The King secluded some Eldians and himself from the world to Paradis Island using the three walls created by mindless Titans. The Marleyans were able to progress in technology and dominate the world. Their hatred of Eldians led to them being maltreated and treated like devils and monsters- showing how cruel humanity can be.

When Grisha turns 18, the Eldian resistance movement recruits him and Grisha later marries Dina Fritz and they have a son called Zeke (the Beast Titan), making him Eren’s half brother. Zeke betrays his parents after 2 years of training to infiltrate the Marleyan Warrior program. The Marleyans then capture Grisha and Dina where they are turned into mindless Titans. Dina becomes the Smiling Titan that ate Eren’s mother. Eren Kruger reveals himself a shifter and transforms and kills all the Marleyan soldiers. Kruger reveals that all Eldians are connected through Paths and shifters are doomed to die 13 years after gaining their powers.

Grisha becomes the successor and inherits Shingeki no Kyojin (The Attack Titan) *roll credits*. Grisha is tasked with retrieving the Founding Titan and using it to free the Eldians. Before Kruger’s death, he states that Grisha must complete the mission for the sake of “Mikasa and Armin”. The men don’t understand what these words mean.

The military decides that to reveal what they have learnt to the public and realize the only way to fight back is to use the Founding Titan is to give someone with Royal blood. But Eren theorizes that he may be to use it himself if he touches Historia while she is turned into a Titan but decides to keep it to himself.

All of the Titans are killed off within Wall Maria and the soldiers finally reach the ocean. We are surprised as Eren is not celebrating he looks solemnly into the distance:

“If we kill them, will we be free?”

- Eren Jaeger, Attack on Titan

This is where the Attack on Titan’s real story begins.

Thank you so much for reading this! Hajime Isayama’s Attack on Titan is an amazing, complex, and truly groundbreaking story that will always have a place in my heart. Hopefully, this helped you refresh your mind BUT remember this is never a substitute for actually watching it so please do.

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